(Disclaimer: I made this article back in 2015. Since then evidence has surfaced which shows that this bitch is actually batshit crazy. HERE and HERE She claims to only date white men, wears contacts, and bleaches her skin. WTF! Sounds like a self-hating bedwench to me. Oh well, another black girl lost, like Nas said.)
Azealia seems pretty smart. It was funny as hell watching her roast that Iggy bitch from Australia.

and being fed up with white America. Many of you know that from our
Yeah, she's on point, into the Orishas and all that. The Nagas are definitely waking up, pyramids activating and all that. Look around, you will soon see a sea of fezzes in the streets (FezCaps.com). Bear witness to the Rise of the Moors. It's enevitable!
Read on, it get's pretty interesting.
Azealia Banks: Wild and Uncensored for Playboy
In the video for “212,” the dazzling and lascivious song that rocketed her to fame and acclaim in 2011, Azealia Banks smiles joyfully while rat-a-tat-tatting compound lyrics about how talented and hot she is and how easily she could get your girlfriend to go down on her. Banks does everything with a mischievous laugh—so when you see her schooling fools on Twitter or read her insightful thoughts on black culture or listen to her brilliant new album, Broke With Expensive Taste, envision this 23-year-old Harlem rapper and singer chuckling at how much fun it is to be smart and fearless, with a mike in her hand. And right now, no one is having more fun than Banks.
Did you grow up in a house where sex was discussed freely?
Yes, but it was more joked about. My mother was always making inappropriate jokes. We had sex books in the house. She never tried to hide it from me. When I got my period it was very much like, “Boys are going to want to touch your body, but you can get pregnant now, and we not playing that shit.” My mom scared me off of getting pregnant.
In what ways are you like your mom?
We both have really good taste in things: food, music, furniture. But I like men a lot, and she’s like, “I could care less.” My dad died when I was really young, and my mom never dated anyone else. She’s into her dogs and books and decorating her house. And I’m like, “Ooh, boys!” I’ll have a boyfriend, and then a couple of months will go by and I’ll have a new boyfriend, and she’ll be like, “Azealia, can’t you stay with one?” No! [laughs] They’re all too fun.
What’s the longest relationship you’ve had?